4124 Hwy 24 West Mccomb, MS 39648
Licensed in AL, AR, LA, MS
Scott Lindsey is the responsible broker and majority owner of United Country – Southern States Realty. He holds the coveted Accredited Land Consultant designation from the REALTORS® Land Institute. Scott was raised in South Mississippi, graduated from Mississippi State University College of Forest Resources in 1995 and has been involved in the land and timber business for over 30 years. Scott joined United Country – Southern States Realty as an agent in 2005 and shortly thereafter became a broker/owner of United Country – Southern States Realty. Scott has been the #1 United Country agent in the nation on numerous occasions and is consistently in the top 10 in sales. Scott accepted the franchise position of Timberland Director and now manages a team of Realtors/Foresters in over 500 offices from coast to coast. Locally, Scott specializes in recreational timberland while offering his expert knowledge and experience to not only his clients but also the recreational agents who work at United Country – Southern States Realty. Scott is licensed in Mississippi, Louisiana, Alabama and Arkansas.
Scott is married to Suzanne, they have three children, Mary Mac, Jack and Gigi.